"Best Paper" Awards
At the Conference Closing Ceremony Prof. Dr. József LEHOTA, the Head of the Doctoral School and the Chair of the Scientific Committee and Prof. Dr. Csaba Bálint ILLÉS, core member of the Doctoral School and the Chair of the Organizing Committee announced eight Best Paper Awards, which were supported by the Pearson and the Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration. Congratulations!
Best Senior Paper:
Amelia Naim: The Importance of Spiritual Leadership and Spirit at Work as Intangible Resource Capabilities in the Service Industry: A Resource Based View Framework (co-authors: Adi Zakaria Afiff, Tengku Ezni Balqiah, Riani Rachmawati)
Ada Rocha: Food safety and food allergy - Food handlers’ knowledge (co-authors: Ana Goios, Margarida Liz Martins, Lígia Ferreira, Antónia Nunes)
Best Junior Paper:
Barta Gergő: Artificial Intelligence: blessing or curse?
Buda Gabriella: Collaborative transportation sharing services within the city (co-authors: Barbara Pethes, Manolisz Karajannisz, József Lehota)
Duc Phong Nguyen: Introducing International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in accounting syllabus into Vietnam universities (co-author: Anita Tangl)
Gyurcsik Petronella: A primer és szekunder szektor finanszírozásának és pénzügyi helyzetének elemzése Magyarország példáján (co-authors: Pataki László, Tóth Róbert)
Mohammed Salem Abdalrahman: SMEs supply chain challenges in turbulence markets: Case study of Palestinian SMEs
Povylas Svogzlys: The influence of consumer behavior on the development of new services (co-author: Ilona Skačkauskienė)